The Farmer and the Earthworms
a film by Bertram Verhaag
45 min
Please note: this film is only available in German!
Sepp and Irene Braun started farming organically way back in 1984. For them, their farm is about more than just sustainable agriculture. The Brauns see ecological farming as a solution to the global problem of climate change.
Whereas a square metre of conventionally-farmed land is home to around 16 earthworms, on Sepp Braun’s farm, the figure stands at 25. For him, creating an environment which encourages the worms is nothing more than simple common sense. Their tunnels extend two metres down into the soil. Together with the valuable humus provided by their dung, this means the ground on the Brauns’ farm can absorb up to 150 litres of water an hour. Conventionally-farmed land, by contrast, cannot, and the results – flooding and erosion – are becoming ever-more common and ever-more destructive.
Unsurprisingly, the farm is popular with curious visitors. Still, even the Brauns are taken by surprise when the wife of the President of Senegal comes to visit!
Buch & Regie
Bertram Verhaag •
Waldemar Hauschild •
Verena Schönauer • Ton Zoltan Ravasz • Mischung Ralph Bienzeisler • Farbkorrektur Jürgen Pertack • Redaktion Johannes Pechtold, BR In Co-Produktion mit dem Bayerischen Rundfunk © 2007 DENKmal-Film Verhaag GmbH |